History of the UBL
Urban Bee Lab was founded in 2014 by Noah Wilson-Rich as a 501(c)(3) non-profit on a mission to improve bee health. Noah is also the founder of The Best Bees Company and is a keynote speaker represented by Outspoken Agency. His TED talks have millions of views. Noah's work draws from his background as a Ph.D. evolutionary biologist, with over 20 peer-reviewed publications with the world's leading science and research institutions such as MIT, NASA, National Geographic, and many others. In partnership with Best Bees, America’s first and largest beekeeping service, the UBL analyzes hive data from Best Bees beehives to elucidate trends and advance our understanding of global pollinator decline. We aim to conduct cutting-edge research to stabilize honeybee health, and then extend those approaches to other, lesser-studied species of pollinators to promote and preserve biodiversity at corporate, residential, and government sites, and beyond.
Board of Directors
Bryan Furze, President/Chair
Real Estate SVP, WS Development
Jeff Arnstein, Treasurer
Former Director of Finance at Friends of the High Line
Noah Wilson-Rich, Member
Scientist & Founder
Los Angeles area-based
Jessica Lomasney, Member
Data Scientist
Recent Graduate, M.S. from Tufts University
Dennis O’Connell, Member
Engineer, formerly Yahoo!
Silicon Valley-based
Vanessa Moody, Member
Lawyer, Goulston & Storrs
Boston area-based
Philip Dugdale, Member
Architect, Sasaki
Dylan Garcie, Member
Associate Application Developer at Soliant Consulting