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Apple Orchard

Pesticides in the Field: What Do We Really Know?

New research on the impacts of neonicotinoid pesticides on bee health has given us important insight into the…

Bees in Danger if They Live Near Farms Using Airborne Pesticide Clothianidin

In the American agricultural industry, pesticides are often liberally applied to crops in order to help keep common…

Is this the new Langstroth hive?

Starting the practice of beekeeping can be a daunting task, especially considering the dire state of bee populations…

Genetic Tradeoffs: Some Bees Can Have it All

Recently a lot of attention has been given to breeding Varroa mite resistant honey bees. There has been…

Nosema’s Impact on Honeybee Colony Health

Honeybees are essential to our food supply as a major pollinator species. Unfortunately, colony health is threatened by…

Monitoring Honeybees with SmartHive Tech

For many of us, computers play an important role in everyday life. From news, to entertainment, to our…

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